Tuesday, October 31, 9:30 am
UChicagoGRAD HQ (Third floor of Campus Bookstore, 970 E 58th)
How do you take a text that you’ve translated for your dissertation and reposition it for a much broader literary audience? What are the practicalities of securing the permissions/rights to publish another author’s work in your translation? How do you go about preparing your translations for publication in a literary journal or by a trade publisher?
Many PhD students find themselves translating as part of the writing they do for their dissertations. Indeed, with their language proficiencies, world area expertise, and disciplinary tools in literary studies, PhD students in the humanities are well-equipped with the skills to begin translating. But how does one actually get started? In this PATHS workshop, Daniel Hahn – a luminary of the translation field with a hundred published books to his name – will talk to PhD students about how they can become translators and what early-career training they should seek.
This PATHS workshop will help PhD students in the humanities to understand translation as a complementary product of their scholarship that can also provide an alternative professional pathway to the academy.