by brill | Feb 1, 2024 | Opportunities, Opportunities for translators, SALT announces
South Asian Literature in Translation (the SALT Project) is pleased to announce SummerSALT, a weeklong residential summer school for emerging translators from South Asian languages. The school will be held in partnership with the American Institute for Lankan Studies,...
by brill | Oct 23, 2023 | Chicago, Opportunities, Opportunities for translators
Tuesday, October 31, 9:30 am UChicagoGRAD HQ (Third floor of Campus Bookstore, 970 E 58th) How do you take a text that you’ve translated for your dissertation and reposition it for a much broader literary audience? What are the practicalities of securing the...
by brill | Oct 16, 2023 | Chicago, Opportunities, Opportunities for translators
Translator Daniel Hahn (UK) sits down with Rachel Galvin and Jason Grunebaum to discuss the world of translation, how to become a translator, and the new South Asian Literature in Translation project at UChicago. Monday, October 30, noon Room 408, Wieboldt Hall (1050...
by brill | Sep 5, 2023 | Opportunities, Opportunities for translators
SALT’s mentorship program, in partnership with the American Literary Translators Association’s Emerging Translators Mentorship Program, kicks off with our inaugural slate of eight mentorships. We are delighted to announce that these distinguished translators have...